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Monday 3 August 2020

Oasis the ostrich

                  Oasis the ostrich 

what is the lifespan of an ostrich: 50 to 75 years
how fast can an ostrich run: 70 km/h
can it fly: no Their puny wings can't possibly lift their heavy bodies off the ground
what animal group does an ostrich belong to Struthio camelus
what is the fear of ostrich: Strouthokamelophobia

the reason I chose the ostrich as my mascot is because the bird is 1 of the only bird that can not fly that means it had to evolve itself to adapt to not be able to fly making it the fast-running bird on the world.
Somali Ostrich - eBirdSomali Ostrich - eBird. https://ebird.org/species/ostric3

the female ostrich is brown and white feathers and the male has black and white feathers. the average ostrich can run 70 km/h and they weight 120 kg to 100 kg and they are 2.1 – 2.8 m tall

1 comment:

  1. Great work Larz, and I liked your reasoning for the choice of mascot, as well as the alliteration of Oasis the Ostrich name. Please acknowledge where you got your image from. The ostrich is taller than me, I'm only 1.78m and it is 2.1. I saw them at Orana Park, but it was from a distance, so it was difficult to gauge their size in relation to me. Good research Larz, CARE card issued 3/8/2020
